Motion Tricks
Motion Tricks
Motion Tricks
Motion Tricks


Animated Decoration
MAR 2023
(Passion project)
"Motion Tricks" by Emanuele Colombo, offered through
Motion Design School, is a dynamic After Effects course. It delves into creative techniques for adding depth and a 3D feel to animations. Students will learn advanced motion tricks to elevate their design skills, producing captivating visual effects. Through this course, you'll gain expertise in crafting visually engaging animations that stand out.


Animated Decoration
after effects
Below is a summary of my works and evolution related to the "Motion Tricks" classes.
Lesson #1 & #2 - Gradients and Depth + Solid drawing

In our first lesson, you’ll learn how to create gradients and simulate a light system within AE to give more depth to your designs.

In this second lesson, you’ll continue working on your visuals and learn how to create solid shapes, such as spheres, cubes, or cylinders, and build an authentic 3D look inside AE.
Lesson #3 - Exercise: Animate two geometric designs using gradients and solid drawing

In this chapter, you’ll put your knowledge to the test and use what you learned so far to create and animate a little character. You’ll familiarize yourself in animating 3D shapes while also working on the personality of the character.
Lesson #4 - Arcs and their role in animation

In this lesson, you’ll learn the importance of arcs within animation and how to guide your elements through them to reach organic movements and smoother actions. Into this subject I have delved more, I animated
walking cycles with character.
Lesson #5 - Exercise: Animate two geometric designs using gradients, solid drawing and arcs

In chapter 5, you’ll combine using gradients and solid drawing with arcs to build a smooth 3D looking animation within AE. You’ll also add more complexity to the geometric designs by using transparency.
Lesson #6 - Exercise: How to apply gradients, solid drawing and arcs to character animation

In this lesson, you’ll apply everything you’ve learned so far into building and animating a simple character. This exercise will allow you to start building complexity in your animations by adding gradients and solid drawing to help improve your character.
Lesson #7 - Exercise: Animate an advanced character

In these final chapters, you’ll bring all of your knowledge together to create and animate an advanced character. You’ll start by building the head and body of your character, before moving on to the arms and legs, in order to create a run cycle with a frontward perspective.